Rule 8.2 – Hooking

Rule 8.2 – Hooking

Hooking is the action of using the stick in a pulling or tugging motion to impede the progress of an opponent. The hooking action may apply to any part of an opponent’s body or stick.

Butt-end hooking is an action of a player uses the shaft of the stick above the upper hand to restrain an opponent. This should be penalized as “hooking”, rather than under Rule 9.1 -- Butt-ending, which requires a jabbing motion with the shaft of the stick.

  1. A Minor penalty will be assessed to any player who impedes the progress of an opponent by hooking or butt-end hooking with their stick.

  2. A Major penalty and a Game Misconduct penalty will be assessed any player who injures an opponent by a hooking or butt-end hooking infraction that would otherwise call for a Minor penalty.

  3. No Match penalty may be assessed for a hooking infraction.

  4. No Misconduct penalty may be assessed for a hooking infraction.

  5. A Game Misconduct penalty must be assessed any time a Major penalty is assessed for Hooking, as detailed under Rule 8.2 (b).


Interpretation 1

Rule 8.2 (a)  

Where a player uses their stick to lift an opposing player’s stick, for the purpose of making a play on the puck, this will be allowed. However, if this action contacts the opponent’s hands and impedes their ability to pass, shoot, receive, or otherwise propel the puck, then a penalty for Hooking must be assessed.