Rule 8.1 – Holding

Rule 8.1 – Holding

Holding is any action by a player that restrains an opposing player by impeding their progress whether or not they are in possession of the puck, or by such action prohibiting their ability to pass, shoot, receive, or otherwise propel the puck.

A player is permitted to use their arm in a strength move, by blocking their opponent, provided they have body position and are not using their hands in a holding manner, when doing so.

While players are permitted to block an opponent’s stick with their hands, arms, or body, they are not permitted to hold an opponent’s stick. 

  1. A Minor penalty will be assessed to any player who holds an opponent in any manner.

    A Minor Penalty will be assessed to a player who holds an opponent’s stick. This penalty will be assessed and announced as “holding the stick”.

  2. A Major penalty and a Game Misconduct penalty will be assessed any player who injures an opponent by a holding infraction that would otherwise call for a Minor penalty.

  3. No Match penalty may be assessed for a holding infraction.

  4. No Misconduct penalty may be assessed for a holding infraction.

  5. A Game Misconduct penalty must be assessed any time a Major penalty is assessed for Holding, as detailed under Rule 8.1 (b).