Rule 6.14 – Puck Out of Sight and Illegal Puck

Rule 6.14 – Puck Out of Sight and Illegal Puck

A puck is considered out of sight when the Official can no longer see the puck.

An illegal puck refers to any puck other than the one legally faced-off by the Official to start or resume the play.

  1. At any time where the Referee loses sight of the puck, play will be stopped.

  2. If, while play is in progress, a puck other than the one legally in play appears, the play will not be stopped, unless the illegal puck interferes with the play. If the illegal puck cannot be removed from the ice, the game will be stopped when it appears that the illegal puck will interfere with the play.

    Note 1: If a player deliberately shoots the second puck at an opposing player in possession and control of the legal puck, they should be penalized under Rule 10.5 – Throwing or Shooting Stick or Object.