Rule 4.14 – Delayed Penalties

Rule 4.14 – Delayed Penalties

Only two players from the same team can serve time penalties at the same time. A team cannot play with fewer than three players (plus a goaltender) on the ice. A third penalty to the same team would be considered “delayed”.

  1. If a third player of any team is penalized while two players of the same team are serving penalties, the penalty time of the third player will not commence until the penalty time of one of the two penalized players has elapsed. Nevertheless, the third player penalized must immediately proceed to the Penalty Bench, but will be replaced on the ice by a substitute until such time as the penalty time of the penalized player will commence.

  2. When a team has three players serving penalties at the same time and a substitute for the third player is on the ice, none of the three penalized players on the Penalty Bench may return to the ice until play has been stopped. When the play has been stopped, the player whose full penalty has expired may return to the play.

  3. When the penalties to the player(s) have expired and the penalized team is entitled to more than four players on the ice, the Penalty Timekeeper will permit the penalized players to return to the ice in the order of the expiry of their penalties.

    When the penalties of two players from the same team expire at the same time and that team is entitled to only one additional player on the ice the players will return to the ice in the order in which their penalties were reported.

  4. In cases where Minor penalties are assessed at the same time to more than one player from the same team, those penalties will be served in order of occurrence.

  5. This does not apply to penalties where the coincidental Minor penalty rule has been applied.


Interpretation 1

Rule 4.14 (a) 

A   4 - 2    8:00

A   6 - 2    7:20

A   8 - 2    7:00


Assuming that no goals are scored by the opposing team during the above situation and there are no play stoppages after 7:00, at what time would each Team A player come back on the ice from the Penalty Bench?


As per Rule 4.14 (c), when the penalties to the player or players have expired and the penalized team is entitled to more than four players on the ice, the Penalty Timekeeper will permit the penalized players to return to the ice in the order of expiry of their penalties. 


In this situation or any similar one, it may be advantageous for the On-Ice and Off-Ice Officials to break down the various critical times as follows:

Player No. Time Off Start End On

A 4






A 6






A 8





first stoppage after 4:00

Note: Players A4 and A6 would return to the ice earlier if there is a stoppage of play after the expiry of their own penalty.